I've been over at My Inner French Girl for a little while, beauty blogging over there as well as doing some commentaries on fashion, culture, films, books...the usual Francophilia stuff. However, I realized not too long ago that I was starting to cram too much into that poor little blog, and my posts were suffering for it. So I'm relaunching this one to focus exclusively on beauty and fashion and leaving the culture and art to My Inner French Girl. It makes more sense, no?
My plans for Beauty in Mahogany remain the same and true to its roots, though: beauty and fashion reviews for the beauty addicts and fashionistas among you, but especially geared towards women of color. That's my own particular demographic and the one I can speak to the best. We're the fastest growing audience in the country, mes amies, and the beauty industry is finally sitting up and taking notice!
So I deeply appreciate those of you who've stuck with me and have been patient while I work out the logistics of my blogging projects. I haven't forgotten Beauty in Mahogany. Au contraire, I've missed my beauty exclusives here and am so excited to be back in business. You'll find more posts about the latest in beauty and fashion around the country and the world. In fact, I'll be going to Singapore in a couple of months for three whole weeks, and you can bet that I'll be capturing the beauty and fashion scene in that dynamic and oh-so-sophisticated city for you!
In the meantime, I'm starting with a couple of beauty reviews for now. And if you want to check out some of other reviews I've done of late, feel free to visit My Inner French Girl and click on the beauty tag. That'll get you some juicy, in-depth and unbiased opinions about some of the latest products to hit the market. Enjoy!

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