Anyway, did you guys catch that article last week titled "The Dirty Dozen: 12 Hair Mistakes You May Be Making?"
"Washing your hair everyday?" Check.
"Not getting regular haircuts?" Check.
"Using too much conditioner?" Uhm, maybe.
"Overheating your hair?" No. I almost never blow-dry my hair anymore. Thank God.
"Fighting your hair's natural texture?" Nope. I'm wash-serum-and-go.
"Choosing the wrong styling products for your hair type?" Uhm, dunno. I've only recently started experimenting with hair products, and even then I don't pile 'em on. So for now, No.
"Thinking that more is better?" Nah. I only usually use one product at a time.
"Pulling your hair back with just any elastic?" Oh God, no. I would never use a plain rubber band. Just trying it (once!) made my hair hurt.
"Getting stuck in a style rut?" Maybe, maybe not. I'm growing my hair out (again!), and am going for the beach-y, wave-y look. So far, so good. No more Working Girl helmet hair for me!
"Brushing your hair too much?" Again, I don't know. I don't really brush it often, but I do run my fingers through it now and then. No 100 strokes/day, though.
So there you go. I knew I was probably violating at least one of them. I really need to work on the haircutting schedule. It's not cheap, but for $20 for a trim, that's actually pretty good considering she's a great stylist. I think I'm actually due for one, so I'd best get that scheduled ASAP.
What about you? How did you do on the list?

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